Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year!

December is usually associated with winter, christmas, vacation, holidays, parties and so on. The list is incomplete if I don't mention about new year resolutions. The short-lived new year resolutions! Most of us start listing resolutions for the new year around December. As we move closer to the last day of the year, the list gets shorter. Some lists just vanish by the time it's 1st January. There are some rare species who go all the way and stick to their resolutions. So how do we make good resolutions and complete them? Resolutions are those missed opportunities that knock our door again every year to make a fresh start, change something for good, learn from our mistakes and correct them, face new challenges, conquer our fears, achieve our goals and follow our dreams. The core ingredient of resolutions is commitment. If there is something we have always wanted to do but have not been able to start yet, I think new year is the best time to take the first step. Many people consider resolutions as an over-rated concept. If we really want to do something, why wait until 1st January? Well, that's absolutely right. The problem is we like procrastination. We keep postponing our plans to that one Monday for some lame excuses. That Monday never comes. Making resolutions on the new year gives us a definite time to make a start. Also, like goals, if we have SMART resolutions, it's easier to track our progress with definite timelines.

This new year, I have made a resolution to unfriend procrastination. This blog post is my first success. I have drafted many blog posts only in my mind for a long time. I am happy I have taken the first step. I plan to blog more often this year.
Wish you all a very happy, productive and enterprising new year! 

1 comment:

  1. Your post is a source of inspiration. Looking forward for few more posts.
